Defeating poverty by providing long term, sustainable development solutions

"Owned" by the people of Makang'wa

Our abiding philosophy in defeating the poverty trap is to provide long term and sustainable development solutions devised in consultation with village leadership and “owned” by the people. Consistent with this, recipients of food, medicine, school sponsorships or relief of any other kind, work a commensurate amount of time on Amani projects in return for such benefits – except of course, for the aged, sick, young orphans and other homeless children. Relief work is provided at the Amani Training Centre or on projects such as preparing the ground for planting new grape vines and tending to crops.
Caring for orphans and street children in Dodoma
Amani Vocational Training Centre (Amani Centre)

The Amani Training Centre is officially licensed as a Regional Vocational Training Centre. It maintains a plant nursery, a dairy herd, raises pigs, and demonstrates the use of irrigation and improved methods of cultivation (particularly grapes). It also demonstrates and trains in improved building techniques. Presses for producing oil from oilseeds and grain mills are also situated here. These projects empower the local people to overcome poverty through training, developing infrastructure and sustainable agricultural programs.

The Amani Training Centre